Let’s Go Camping . . . or Not
By Karen Allen |
Who doesn’t like to commune with nature every once in a while? After all, nature offers some of the best…
The Three Amigos
By Karen Allen |
An unlikely trio united by an unexpected circumstance. The possibility of it ever happening was negligible. Do you ever feel…
Dancing In The Rain
By Karen Allen |
All eyes turned towards me as we sat around the table eating birthday cake and ice cream. Lucas innocently asked,…
The Blood Of The Lamb
By Karen Allen |
Grab a lab coat! Let’s learn some insights from the clinical laboratory. C’mon, it will be fun. I hope you…
The Model Of Christianity
By Karen Allen |
Before I joined the ranks of the retired, I was among the 115 million people in the U.S. (2016) who…
To Mask or Not to Mask (by guest Dr. David Luellen)
By Karen Allen |
Now that many of us have taken advantage of the COVID vaccine, it feels like we can take a deep…
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Ewe R Blessed Ministries / Karen O. Allen