“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” Psalm 139:5
Remember the Irving Berlin song “Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep”) from the movie “White Christmas?” The premise provides the basis for Ewe R Blessed Ministries. We should indeed count our blessings. Plain and simple, a blessing is a favor from God. Those three words, you are blessed (ewe r blessed), remind me that I am not forgotten in this flock of humanity. You aren’t either. We have a Shepherd who blesses us and cares about our daily struggles. Ewe R Blessed Ministries recognizes and proclaims the blessings of God in the ordinary and the extraordinary. I enjoy writing about those blessings and other spiritual issues. While my ministry began as a source of encouragement to those dealing with cancer, it quickly expanded into other areas of crisis including health-related concerns, chronic illness, chronic pain, mental illness, death, grief, childlessness, loneliness, and matters of disability. We all need comfort and reassurance during times of crisis and this ministry is here to offer a word of encouragement.
Ewe R Blessed Ministries is more than just sharing my writings. As a speaker/singer, I welcome opportunities to share about my cancer experience, my mission work, and ministry. Being blessed is not contingent upon our circumstances; it’s about who we are as His sheep and the promises that God speaks over us. Enjoy the unique blessings God has given you. Accept that it’s okay to expect God’s blessings, even to ask for them. When we accept His blessings, we grow closer to Him. And the more you are blessed, the more you can be a blessing!

Learn More About the Story Behind
Ewe R Blessed Ministries
Not only are we blessed by God and can serve as a blessing to others, but we are His sheep. “We are His people and the sheep of His pasture” (Psalm 100:3). Ewe R Blessed Ministries is aptly named because of the significance of sheep in my personal and spiritual life. When I went to Ireland with my family to visit the roots of my heritage, sheep were everywhere. My sisters and I would erupt into yelling, “Sheep, sheep.” I fell in love with sheep, their innocence, and nonchalant attitude.
Sheep became even more relevant to me when I was diagnosed with cancer. At my first oncology visit I felt as though I were standing in a flock of sheep waiting to make my next appointment. I compared my situation to the characteristics of sheep needing guidance, protection, and provision. I realized sheep have a shepherd to tend to their every need. And then I smiled realizing I have that very same thing - my very own personal Shepherd. “I am the good shepherd; and I know My own, and My own know Me” (John 10:14).
Sheep are needy and helpless creatures. Of all of the unusual characteristics of sheep, being caste is my favorite. This is when the sheep stumbles for whatever reason (pregnant, lost footing, heavy fleece) and finds itself on its back, feet dangling in the air. You would think it would be no problem to get back up, but they lose their sense of gravity and can do nothing but flail and bleat. The shepherd must intervene else their fate is doomed. Death will come within a matter of hours from their bloated bellies preventing blood flow. Many times I have felt like a caste sheep, helpless and defeated, and needed rescuing by my Shepherd.
The analogies of sheep and their characteristics are transferable to everyday living. Like sheep, we depend upon the Sovereign Lord, our shepherd, to meet our every need, every day. Like sheep, we need full-time supervision. Like sheep, we need daily touch. And like sheep, we are not burden-bearing creatures. “I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day” (Ezekiel 34:12).
About Karen Allen
Karen has lived in Alabama all of her life with the exception of a few college years in Mississippi and honeymoon years in southwest Louisiana. She became fascinated with the field of laboratory medicine in the 6th grade during a Career Day and eventually turned her fascination into a B.S. Degree in Medical Technology from the University of Southern Mississippi. Her interest in education, however, still held its appeal so she later earned a Master’s Degree in Education and certification in secondary education biological sciences from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her educational interests complemented her career in healthcare in the hospital laboratory and research environment. She spent over a decade as a Quality Assurance Manager for the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center earning the title of Certified Clinical Research Professional. Throughout her days of running lab tests, managing investigator labs, and conducting audits, her passion for writing, ministry, and missions burned in her heart. Now that she is retired, she is excited to spend more time pursuing her passions.
In 2003 Karen was diagnosed with cancer which inspired the writing of her book “Confronting Cancer with Faith,” which has since been translated into several languages worldwide. Now living a full and healthy life, Karen exalts the Lord and encourages others facing crises through her writing, music, and motivational speaking. Ewe R Blessed Ministries serves as the connecting point.
Karen and her husband George Parker (Parky) reside in Birmingham, Alabama. They have no children but don’t tell their dogs that! Karen serves as the organist at her church and sings whenever she is not playing. Her writing has been published in Christian books, newspapers, magazines, and devotionals.