Spring into Action
As the thermometer gauge slowly begins to climb and the frost on the ground is no more, it points to the inevitable: Spring is on its way. I couldn’t help but smile when I looked out the bathroom window the other morning and saw our first daffodil. Its lone yellow blossom peeked out of the natural area in our backyard. Daffodils are popping up in yards all around, and tulips are starting to break through the soil. I spotted a few tulip trees with their short-lived purple flowers as we drove through the neighborhood to church last Sunday.

Here in Alabama, the weather has pushed past the 70-degree mark. I woke up to the sound of birds singing this morning. I saw the first bicycle out while walking the dogs last week. Yep, it’s almost time to trade the long sleeves for short sleeves and the ski slopes for the beach. That is perfectly fine with me. I am not a cold-weather person – never have been. Cold weather comes with bitter winds and freezing rain. There are reasons I like living in the good ol’ South; Spring is one of ‘em.
I am quick to add, however, that one cannot be fooled into thinking this is not a fickle time of year. We could get another cold snap any moment. Heck, people still talk about the wild and crazy foot-deep snow we got back in March 1993. I remember it well working in the hospital.
Newness of Life
Spring brings a sense of newness to the earth – the smell of budding flowers, the transition of lawns from brown to green, the buzzing of annoying carpenter bees. Don’t you just love it? It prompts us to want to start afresh, too. Spring cleaning gets in our blood. It makes me want to spruce up the clutter or purge the bulging closet. Maybe the warmer weather inspires tackling that project to freshen up a worn surface. There’s nothing like a new paint job for a fresh look.
“Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven. Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest” (Psalm 85 11-12). It won’t be long before it’s time to plant gardens.
A Look at Spiritual Newness
Not only does the earth get a fresh start, but this is a good time to take a fresh look at our spiritual life. Even if we may not need a complete overhaul, we could stand to do a little spring cleaning in those dusty corners. Here are ten ideas to consider if you decide to take a personal inventory of your spiritual standing and do some dusting.

- Pick a book of the Bible, any book. Commit to reading a few chapters each day.
- Start a gratitude journal and list five things you are thankful for from the day before. Be careful not to say the same things over and over.
- Buy a new Bible translation or Study Bible that interests you. Don’t put yourself on a timeline – just start reading. Read every notation and footnote. Challenge yourself to learn something you didn’t already know. My sisters gave me an NLT Chronological Life Application Study Bible for Christmas, and I have enjoyed reading every word. I take my time. It will probably take me a few years to finish, but I love the commentary and the approach.
- Go on a short-term international mission trip with your church or another organization.
- Take a day of your choosing on a regular basis to make yourself available for God to speak to you. By that, I mean find a quiet place and tell God you are listening. Then, open your ears and receive.
- Pray at a different time of the day out of your norm.
- Before making a decision, even a simple one, ask God what He thinks. Discern His response.
- If you are not accustomed to speaking to God throughout the day, be intentional to say ten sentence prayers at various times during the day and into the night.
- Sing a song of praise to God out loud or in your heart. Tell Him He is worthy. No spoken prayer is needed. Let the song be your prayer.
- Listen to a Christian radio station for a week.
I’m sure you have some other ideas. I would be interested in hearing them. Let me know if you decide to give a few of my ideas a try. No broom or dust cloth is necessary!
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Ewe R Blessed Ministries / Karen O. Allen

This blog reminded me how much I enjoy the coming of Spring. It challenged me to bring a renewal in my life even if it is just a change in perspective!
Maybe you can adopt one of the suggestions. We all need renewals periodically.
Excellent word my good sister
Glad you think so! Thank you, Chaplain Eddie
Love it Ms. Karen, “… it’s time to do some spiritual Spring cleaning.” Thank you for your encouraging posts ma’am. For me, it’s sneaking away to the pasture, barn, or barnyard and simply listening for and to God. “Search my heart, Lord”, “Cleanse my heart and make it Yours”. Some wonderful thoughts to invite Him to do His work in you.
Ooo, I wish I had a pasture or barn to sneak away to. Sounds invigorating. I suppose the cows and cats don’t interfere too much. 😉 You know, sometimes I think we underestimate the power of looking inward at ourselves to purify and cleanse to that we can be made anew. You said it well, my friend, “cleanse my heart.” I’d like to add, “cleanse my heart because it is yours!”