
I See God

“When you look up into the sky and see the sun, moon, and stars – all the forces of heaven – don’t be seduced into worshiping them. The Lord your God gave them to all the peoples of the earth” (Deuteronomy 4:19).

How many gorgeous sunsets have you witnessed, watching the glow of the sky turn from yellow to orange to pink as the sun slowly settles into the ground? Nature highlights God’s creation in spectacular ways. He gives us a glimpse into His character, allowing us to experience the wonder of His majestic glory. We will never actually see the face of God this side of heaven, but we can see the work of His Hand.

Bringing it Home

Before my husband and I were scheduled to leave on vacation to Iceland, our beloved 14-year-old Irish Setter, O’Malley, was touched by the same Hand of God that creates beautiful sunsets. We planned our trip back in the winter, never considering O’Malley would still be with us. But he surprised us. He even joined us for a Memorial Day weekend visit to Helen, Georgia.

By the time Labor Day rolled around, Parky had already decided to stay home and let me go on to Iceland. We spent the weekend as a family visiting two State Parks in the area, letting our two dogs walk the trails.

O’Malley loved to go on walks in the woods. Now, it was more like meandering, but it brought joy just the same.

I was unsure how to pray about our Iceland trip, so I prayed for God’s will to be done. I learned later that Parky prayed for clarity about when to say goodbye. Parky and I wanted O’Malley to live his fullest life, regardless of our plans.

Twelve days before our departure, I could tell “the time” was fast approaching. O’Malley stopped eating and seemed to be moving slower. The day before, I made the decision to walk him alone so that we could go as slowly as he needed over less distance. I took the time to brush and groom O’Malley’s long red fur that day. He licked my arm as if to say “thank you.” I know now it was his goodbye.

The following morning, we loaded him into the truck one last time – the truck he loved so well. We were escorted into a comfortable room where O’Malley took his place in our laps on the low-level couch. He died in a regal manner with grace, as an Irish Setter should, his head propped gently in my lap. You loved well, my sweet, precious boy. I held my tears until after his passing, but I knew in my heart it was God’s perfect timing.

More of You

Parky and I boarded our plane to Reykjavik, Iceland. The itinerary was full of exciting stops. The landscape of the country proved eye-popping, with waterfalls plunging from tall peaks off the side of the road, lava fields covered in moss that took one hundred years to grow, majestic glaciers in the distance creeping down the slopes, wild Icelandic horses grazing in the fields, and the spectacular Northern Lights. I saw God’s Hand everywhere.

Our first stop outside the capital city was a crater nestled in the mouth of a centuries-old volcano. It was nothing more than a deep blue lake, but its simplicity, surrounded by a wall of lava, was worthy of the photos. The thing that touched me as much as the lake was the small, colorful flowers around the rim. Yellow, red, orange, and green masked the lava landscape. I see You, God, making a brief appearance before the snow spreads its white blanket.

The power of the waterfall, with its widespread angles and multiple levels, could be heard from a distance. The power was so fierce that the waterfall looked foamy white, roaring over the rocks. I hear You and see You, God, and it is glorious.

The cancellation of the ice cave tour due to melting temperatures was a disappointment but not for long. A glacier hike was substituted. Can you imagine strapping crampons (snow spikes) onto my waterproof boots and trekking up a glacier while holding an ice pick axe? Me either! But I did it, avoiding moulins (holes caused by meltwater), glacial streams, and crevasses. The sun shone with brilliance that day. There was no wind or rain as Iceland is known to have. God was there on top of the glacier. He was in every step I took, especially when I was forced to trust the crampons going downhill.

We ducked into a 40-yard-long ice tunnel nestled in the glacier. What an incredible experience being encased in blue ice atop a glacier. I saw a mosquito-like bug flying inside the tunnel. Why did He place that insect inside an ice tunnel? Perhaps just for me to see!

I tasted God on our ice trek when I took a sip from the flowing glacial stream. It was pure and good, just like God.

I wish I had space to recall other ways I saw God throughout our trip. I saw God in ways that I never would have had I not visited the beautiful and harsh country of Iceland. I took a fancy to the extra wooly sheep. Praise Him for the wonder of His glory.

Where have you seen God lately?  (To see more photos of Iceland, visit Karen O’Kelley Allen’s Facebook page.)       

Karen Allen

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Ewe R Blessed Ministries / Karen O. Allen

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