Breath of Life
“He’s dancing with Jesus,†she said as I answered the phone around 9 pm. I had been thinking about my friend ever since waking up that morning. I knew the ventilator was being removed from her son, who had been in ICU for over three weeks following a stroke. Matthew* was in his early 50s – too young to have lived what most would consider a full life. His son graduated high school a few years earlier and was starting to make a life for himself. He gave his last goodbyes, hoping to soften the heartache. Matthew’s wife would now be a widow with no means of sustainable support.
My friend lost her husband some years back, and now her younger son was gone. I felt such sorrow for her.
As I hung up the phone, I reflected upon the past weeks. Countless prayers had been spoken. My friend and I met on a few occasions for dedicated prayers together. We begged for God’s will and mercy, and He provided it. Still, life was going to be different from this point forward.

Job reminds us that “life is but a breath†(Job 7:7). What we do with our collection of breaths is our life’s journey. We take breathing for granted until it becomes labored. (I inhale a long, deep breath). It is strange how short life seems when it is being taken away – how the many acts of generosity, kindness, and mercy during one’s lifetime fade into a blurry and distant past.
Making the Most of Every Opportunity
“Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil†(Eph 5:15-16).
This passage makes me consider 9/11 when an evil network of Islamic extremists carried out a series of four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks against the United States. The lives of almost 3,000 people ended that day. Had they made the most of every opportunity before their untimely deaths?
The scripture reminds me to make the most of every opportunity not only because we live in evil times but because we are stewards of life. We are given the freedom to make choices; we also have the opportunity to dispense blessings.
Godliness and Devotion
“Godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come†(I Timothy 4:8). Well then, it would be wise to incorporate godliness into our lifestyle.
How do you define godliness? A simple definition is “the quality of being devoutly religious.†But a better definition can be found in Jerry Bridges’s book The Practice of Godliness. He defines godliness as “devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to Him.â€
Godliness is composed of three elements: the fear of God, the love of God, and the desire for God. One’s character and conduct reflect these attitudes. But it’s more than Christian character. We cannot truly have Christian character and conduct without a God-centered devotion. We cannot please God without developing a relationship with Him.
To be godly, one must consider God in everything, serve God in everything, and do everything in His name. God must be at the center of one’s thoughts. A person may be talented, personable, busy in the Lord’s work, successful in Christian service or ministry, and still not be godly. Why? Because they are not devoted to God.
“A person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God. That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life – whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear. For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing†(Luke 12:21-23). We need to stop worrying and focus on having a rich relationship with God.
Consequences of Death

Last weekend, a dear friend breathed his last breath while on vacation in Hawaii. It was a shock. His business is now unattended, his disabled wife uncared for, and employees may soon be without jobs.
“For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being†(Job 12:10). Only God knows our final day of earthly existence. But as believers, we have hope. Our hope is the eternal life we receive when Christ enters our hearts. That’s not true for the unbeliever. “For what hope do the godless have when God cuts them off and takes away their life?†(Job 27:8). The answer is . . . grim.
Take a moment to think about your life, its journey, its unpredictability, and its destiny. Hopefully, you can echo the sentiments of the psalmist. “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.†Such a comforting thought to dwell with the Lord not just today, not just on earth, but forever.
So how do we live in devotion to God, demonstrating the blessing of life bestowed upon us? Romans 8:6 says that “. . . letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.†I like it!
*name changed
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Ewe R Blessed Ministries / Karen O. Allen

Condolences and prayers for “Matthew’s” family. Your post begs multiple questions my friend. My overarching answer is, “Living a life of no regrets, which to me means able to go to bed with a clear conscience.” Admittedly, there’s nights I don’t sleep. I think the bigger questions though are; 1) Who will know how my life was lived?, 2) Will others remember my life or only one moment from it? 3) What is the legacy that I’ll leave behind? I pray mine will be a legacy of love, one that recognizes that as imperfect as I was, I never stopped trying to be the best version of me that God intended for me to be. Lots to reflect upon ma’am.
I have no doubt that your legacy, J.D., will be one of fond remembrances, of compassionate ranching, and most of all, of godliness in all you do. I, too, wonder about my legacy. With no children, I rely heavily on my writing. But of course, my relationships will also define me, especially the personal one I have with my precious Friend and Lord.