
Ewe R Blessed

Years ago, when I published my Bible study Confronting Cancer with Faith, I had the opportunity to create a website through the publisher. I could have focused solely on the book (as most people did), but I decided to think in terms of longevity. Would this be a good time to launch a ministry? Wasn’t my writing going to expand? One book does not warrant an entire ministry. The subject of cancer is definitely worthwhile, and I know a lot about it, but did I want my ministry to be all about cancer?

I prayed and consulted, contemplated and conjured. The word “blessings” kept coming to the forefront. “Sheep” had also taken a significant role in my journey. How could I blend the two? What could make my ministry unique without confining parameters?

A Look at Blessings

Blessings are defined as God’s favor and protection. To be blessed is to be given special favor that yields joy and prosperity. We recognize blessings in our own lives when God grants longstanding prayer requests or unexpected rewards. But blessings can be extended to others, too, as a result of our blessing.

In his blog Meet Me in the Meadow, Roy Lessin said that our lives are blessed in the following ways:

  • Peace is in your spirit
  • Perception is in your decisions
  • Patience is in your trials
  • Purpose is in your work
  • Purity is in your character
  • Praise is in your soul
  • Power is in your witness
  • Passion is in your calling
  • Prayer is in your heart.

The Naming of My Ministry

As mentioned, sheep took on immense significance at the beginning of my cancer diagnosis. When I went for my first oncology appointment and was leaving the clinic, I stood in line to make my next appointment. Lots of people crowded the check-out area pushing me from side to side. It made me want to mutter a faint “moo!” Rather than identifying with cattle being channeled through a gate, my mind wandered to sheep in a flock. Hey, that provided a whole different perspective. The more I thought about it, the more I smiled. And why not? It is not unrealistic for humans to be compared to sheep. Psalm 23 says, “We are the sheep of His pasture.” And we know there are many other references to sheep throughout the Bible.  

Sheep need guidance, protection, and provision. Heck, I needed those things more than ever right then. Sheep have a shepherd who tends to their every need. A sense of warm relief swelled through my being as I realized that since I am a sheep, I, too, have a shepherd – my very own personal Shepherd with a capital “S.”

I am the good shepherd; and I know My own, and My own know Me (John 10:14).

Sheep are needy and helpless creatures. You can bet I was one needy and helpless creature at the time. I kept coming up with similarities. By the time I was done making my next appointment, I was eager and glad to be a sheep.   

The analogies of sheep and their characteristics are transferable to everyday living. We depend upon the Sovereign Lord, our Shepherd, to meet our every need, every day. Like sheep, we need full-time supervision. Like sheep, we need daily touch. And like sheep, we are not burden-bearing creatures. In every scenario, I envisioned the blessing of being His sheep and Him being my Shepherd.

I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day (Ezekiel 34:12).

Playing upon the idea of the children’s store, Toys R Us, I came up with Ewe R Blessed as my ministry title, further playing off the word “you” and changing it to “ewe” indicative of sheep. Unfortunately, many don’t get it and say “ever” rather than “ewe.”

I also developed a logo for my ministry name. I wanted it to have a whimsical attitude. What do you think?

The website was initially developed with a ministry component incorporating my book. Not so long ago, I decided to split off the ministry to create two websites: one for my cancer Bible study,, and one for my ministry, The Bible study website incorporates information about my book, events, and testimonials. The ministry site incorporates more about my publications, mission interests, and blog.

Ewe R Blessed Ministries also has a Facebook page, Instagram, and X account. I would love for you to follow me on all my social media outlets.

And hey, you are blessed, my friend.   

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

Karen Allen


  1. Sharon Atwood on February 28, 2025 at 10:47 am

    It is very interesting to follow the creation of the ministry. It is interesting to know its beginning. This ministry means a lot to me and encourages me in my daily walk from its blogs to its Facebook posts.

    • Karen Allen on March 1, 2025 at 1:28 am

      Your words are so encouraging. You have seen the ups and downs along the way. I appreciate your support.

  2. Beckham on February 28, 2025 at 6:07 pm

    The logo is nice!
    Ewe R Blessed is distinctive as the title too !

    • Karen Allen on March 1, 2025 at 1:27 am

      Thank you, Beckham. I’m glad you find both the ministry name and logo appealing.

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Ewe R Blessed Ministries / Karen O. Allen

A woman with short hair is smiling for the camera.
