
Holy Horse D’oeuvres!

I checked off another bucket list item: a dude ranch. Not just any dude ranch but a working one owned by a godly couple with a Lord-loving staff. Their website doesn’t horse around about their Christian ethics, which is one reason I chose them. They even give their horses biblical names!

My friend Sharon and I spent five days on the ranch milking the cow, collecting chicken eggs, feeding farm animals, making bread, rolling oats, playing spoons and the washboard while singing around the campfire, eating chuck wagon meals, and line-dancing. Cowboy Church was an added plus. More than anything else, I gained a deep appreciation and understanding from one of the equine residents named Socks. She broadened my horse sense and fed my spiritual appetite with horse d’oeuvres!   

Milking the cow

Though I had ridden a few times in my younger days, I knew little about horses. I always wondered how people developed strong bonds with their horses. After all, it’s not like you can curl up in bed with them. A horse doesn’t lick your face, wag its tail, or sit in your lap. I’ve never heard a horse bark with joy when pulling into the driveway. No, I couldn’t imagine establishing a meaningful relationship with a horse like I had with my Irish Setters.

Socks was my assigned horse. I learned how to muck, feed, water, give nutrients/supplements, groom, and saddle her. The more I cared for Socks, the more I enjoyed being around her. Petting her long nose and strong jaw, stroking her neck and bulging sides created a healthy connection. Grooming was especially enjoyable as she appreciated the attention, particularly when I rubbed the sweet spot on her neck. Her eyes slowly closed in pure contentment. After a few days, I found myself lingering at her stall whenever I had the opportunity. I learned that having a personal relationship with your horse is imperative to build trust. Hmmm . . . a personal relationship with God builds trust, too. I’ll take that horse d’oeuvre, thank you!

Giving Socks a treat of carrots and apples was amusing to me. She inhaled it as if it were candy. Her thick muzzle rolled around my hand, searching for more. It gave me such delight to feel Sock’s mouth on my hand. I wondered if that was the same feeling described in Psalm 37 when we “take delight in the Lord?” Oo, that’s a sweet horse d’oeuvre bite.

The time came to go on a trail ride. Socks and I became friends in the barn but had not bonded on the trail. With much-needed help from Stu, the wrangler, and some patience from Socks, I positioned myself on the saddle. Stu proceeded to sound out basic riding rules as we circled the arena. I obviously needed a refresher course. Poor Socks was as confused as I was, but it didn’t take long to get oriented. I had to demonstrate that Socks could trust me, and she had to learn that I was the one to give commands. Once Stu was satisfied, we headed towards the trail. As the trail narrowed, Socks took smaller and more careful steps to avoid the trench formed by rainwater. One wrong step could mean disaster, but I wasn’t fearful. My trust overshadowed my fear. Could there be another horse d’oeuvre nibble there?

Me and Socks

When we reached the open field, it felt more secure and free until Socks stepped into a hole and stumbled. She recovered, but my heart took a little longer! We need gentle reminders not to get too comfortable and let our guard down from hidden adversity (like the enemy). Whew! A hot and spicy horse d’oeuvre there.

Socks was eager to cool off from the sweltering heat when we reached the river. She gulped down refreshing water before slogging down the river to a clearing on the bank. Our hungry stomachs called for the saddlebags holding our prepared lunches. A blanket was spread as curious cows began to encroach. Stu gave a devotional from Job 39, pointing out the strength, majesty, and terrifying fearlessness of the horse. A limited number of animals are described in such detail in the Bible. An astonishing 217 scriptures are found referencing horses. Giddy up!

The horse is portrayed as an animal of battle, representing power, triumph, and glory. Christ’s return will be upon a majestic white horse. And yet, Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem was upon a lowly donkey. How interesting that hours before Christ’s birth, his mother sat on the back of a donkey. Jesus came into this world on a donkey, He left this world on a donkey, but He will return on a horse. Hmmm . . . definitely a flavorful horse d’oeuvre to savor.

On Sunday, I rode Socks to the country church. We crossed several creeks with rocky beds. I was told to loosen the reins so Socks could look down and get proper bearings to navigate the rocks at her own pace. I never considered allowing time and space for her to choose a safe path. That horse d’oeuvre had a little nutty flavor.  

We were forced to walk a short distance on the roadway to the church. The shoulder was narrow, with a deep ditch on the side. Cars and trucks whizzed by. A sense of urgency rose up as I perched upon this massive half-ton powerhouse clomping along a two-foot wide path. We made it without mishap and proceeded towards the trail. In the open field, a coyote was spotted in the distance. The wrangler decided on a longer path. Sometimes, we have to endure inconveniences and longer journeys to bypass danger. Mmm, mmm. That last horse d’oeuvre is a good one! I’m full now.

Karen Allen


  1. Caroline Chamberlain on September 20, 2024 at 11:28 am

    Your talent as a writer is definitely God given.
    What a blessing you are!

    • Karen Allen on September 20, 2024 at 5:53 pm

      And you’re a real sweetheart!

  2. Edward Burchfield on September 20, 2024 at 12:31 pm

    I love my good sis. Good eating. Gloryyyyyy!

    • Karen Allen on September 20, 2024 at 5:53 pm

      Good ranch-style eating. Yep, it ’twas good, awright.

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Ewe R Blessed Ministries / Karen O. Allen

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